Boatride to Calaguas Island

Boatride to Calaguas Island

We stayed at our friend's family in Daet before going to Calaguas Island. After preparing foods and baon in the morning, thank you to Asis Family, we spent one hour tricycle ride to the port of Vinzon, Camarines Norte. The port for the boat is a market and boat parking place surrounded by bakawan.

After hauling all our baggage to the boat, the engine started and we zigzagged the bakawan going to the open sea. The Bakawan in Vinzon reminded me of Amazon River. Since there was only five passengers, the two hour boat ride was cut to one hour and thirty minutes.

 We were so lucky to have a nice and sunny weather on that weekend, coming from a rainy weekdays. No big waves, just calm sea and cloudless sky.

Bakawan, islet and island, blue horizon, white beaches along the way - perfect boat ride to Calaguas Island.