Greek and Mexican Cuisines

Greek and Mexican Cuisines

Friday night food trip with Kits and Jenifer is another bonding moment. Since me and Kits were early, we decided to try Cafe Mediterranean at Greenbelt, we ordered their red pasta and pita bread with sauces like hummus, tzatziki and falafel. I only tried hummus and Kits chose tzatziki and falafel since she had tried those in Qatar.

Few hours had passed.. We were still waiting for Jenifer, when she came, she was so famished and invited us for another dinner. I brought them at Chihuahua Mexican Grill. We ordered some and started playing Jenga. No salsa dance for this night!

My Hydroculture Plant

My Hydroculture Plant

While hanging out in Trinoma, I saw this plant store called Miura Hydroculture Plants. Maybe my friend saw that I was so fascinated with them that she bought me a Sansevieria Bacularis, one a famous indoor plant. The plant we choose is Sansevieria Bacularis that can be turn into hydroculture plant or propagating plant that do not need soil.

Another plant added to my collection, thank you Mona. I cannot wait to start for my terrarium.

Girl Travel with Calaguas Island Kids

Girl Travel loves Calaguas Island Kids

Meeting local kids at Calaguas Island. I had been traveling a lot after I graduated since college. At first, travel is just for sake of going places, seeing the spot where you only seen books and magazines. 

But aside enjoying, you can learn and meet the locals or meeting other people visiting that place. Would it be nice if everyone can be friendly and just enjoy each others company.